Sunday, February 15, 2009

Peanut Butter Dreamsicle Valentine's

Friday evening before Valentine's Day began our adventure in a couple of arenas. First off, we just cannot seem to escape snow this year. Our predicted half-inch became well over four inches of slippery powder. Trenton and I saw a number of accidents in Cedar Rapids during our Friday evening outing. Thankfully all just auto damage but that snow just kept coming and it was difficult to see much. We braved our way to the Home Depot and left with our 16 gallons of paint. After loading them into the house, we called it a day. Trenton was touched that Mom remembered him with a Valentine on his pillow and I received a sweet hug before he fell to sleep.

Saturday morning we loaded paint into the back of the family truckster and headed North for the big day. Surprisingly we arrived first and this allowed us to get the paint and many supplies into the house before the rest of the helpers arrived. Jake, Kristine, Natalie, Haley, Dustin and myself started in prepping and adding color to the walls of Mom and Dad's digs. We really got busy by 10am and finally threw in the towel at 8:30pm. The hallways and kitchen are the color of peanut butter and the dining room was the hint of an orange dreamsicle. To the shock of all, my Father commented it looked "nice". (Dad is a white paint kind of fellow.) Jake and Trenton were in the bathroom painting the ceiling when chaos broke out. Trenton decided to fill in the "opening" on top of Jake's head so Jake prettied up the boring brown of Trenton's hair with a glob of white. Oh, yes, they were having a paint fight and my Mother was not going to have any part of it. By the way men, white paint is NOT a remedy for your bald patch. Tired and weary we called it a day and decided we would need to finish another day.

Trenton had gone home with Jake to have some fun with Kaden and so I brought my niece, Haley, home with me. We have been having a great time doing "girl" things. We watched some movie about a princess last night and today she is wanting to watch a movie about Prada. Rather unusual experiences for me and she seem puzzled why I would not know more about these topics. We are just returning from a restful lunch out and Haley is playing with the dogs.

Happy Valentine's weekend, all! Make today something special.


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