Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mumblings from a teenage guy

If only you could be here right now, the guys are both watching snowboard clips on the computer. As if that wasn't enough, they are both getting along and treating each other well! (Holy moly!!) A giggle here, a stunned remark about a cool stunt, and then the search for the next video. All of this from two fellows that were heart-broken about not being able to snowboard over Thanksgiving. (Yes, lots of moping going on over the holiday.) Last year, we spent Black Friday in Dubuque at the slopes. Nice photo below of them with their gear. Yes, I would be the lounge bunny type in case any of you are curious. Thank goodness I have Mia (Australian Shepard) lying on my feet to keep the thoughts of snow from giving me a chill.

Hurray for the little things in life!

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